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Why Join the Planet Community?
Membership is free. No ads. No algorithms aimed at hijacking your attention.
The Planet Community is a free online community aimed at connecting people who want to work together to co-create a positive future in which all people can thrive and contribute, while existing in harmony with the living planetary systems.
Already fully engaged in this undertaking?
Fantastic! Your example is an inspiration to us all and we hope you will join our community to share your experiences and, perhaps, even invite other members to join you in your quest.
Do you want to make a difference, yet lack a clear sense of where to start?
We get it! Our goal is to lower the barriers to meaningful action, to help you discover your highest-impact role and connect you with the resources you need to succeed.
The Planet Community is a Place Where You Can:
Awaken -- share and explore artistic expressions, spiritual practices and practitioners, indigenous stories. Share your own personal experiences of awakening. Be moved by the stories of others.
Learn -- engage in dialog with other community members about ideas you discover in the knowledge bases on our website. Contribute your own ideas about how to shift the culture. Help us curate our knowledge base by suggesting books, films, podcasts, etc. you feel should be added to our knowledge base.
Connect -- find connections within the community and suggest connections to other change agents you would like to see included in our database of aligned change agents. Share your vision and what you need to realize it. Offer your gifts to help others realize their vision.
Act -- suggest ways to make a difference, share and discover successes and fails. Explore what has worked and what could have been better. Ask questions about what people have tried. Give a shout out for upcoming events.
Organize -- organize campaigns, local and virtual circles, intentional communities, NGO’s, etc. Discover new/forming/existing organizations looking for members. Explore governance models, operating principles and practices.